The La Trobe University Hockey Club will once again support Fair Go, Sport! in 2018, for the eighth year in a row.
Round 15 has been dedicated toward the cause – participating in the Australian Sports Commission initiative, pioneered by Hockey Victoria and Hockey Australia.
Through the week during 2nd-8th August, the club will celebrate and show our support in advocating for inclusive and diverse membership. Research shows that sport is a significant site of homophobic harassment, discrimination and exclusion and this needs to change.
There is no place at our club, in hockey, in sports or our society for discrimination. Homophobia and transphobia needs to be eliminated ASAP. Lets stand up against it. At La Trobe, we welcome everyone and we celebrate diversity. Everyone love everyone.
On Tuesday the 7th of August, we are having a rainbow dress up themed training. For those who have rainbow socks, please wear them as well as your colourful clothing!
We will be putting on pizza in the club rooms after training (appox 8:30pm) for gold coin entry. Drinks can be also purchased from the canteen.
Raffle tickets will also be sold at Trivia Night and a percentage from this will go with the money to go back to a charity.