Women’s Round 2015

Every year the La Trobe University Hockey Club celebrates the women at our club with Women’s Round. Along with being selected as a club of the Women’s and Girls Pilot Program to make the club a healthier environment for women, the club has celebrated Women’s Round for the past three years.

Over the weekend all Senior teams, both women and men, will be wearing pink socks. The club will also be fundraising during the Super Saturday at home with money going towards the White Ribbon Foundation. Beyond the BBQ, we’ll also have pampering station, bake sale and raffle. Men’s teams (held at MUHC) are encouraged to return to the Cauldron to show their support. This year will also be the first year Juniors are included in the event.

The day will conclude with a medla presentation by Club President Erica Brodie and a White Ribbon Ambassador.

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