The La Trobe University Hockey Club has given notice for the 2014 Annual General Meeting to conclude the season and prepare for 2015.
Date: Sunday 4th January 2014
Time: 4:00pm
Venue: Lord Newry Hotel
The meeting will finalise the Club’s Annual Reporting and Financial Report for the 2014 year, followed by the election of the 2015 Board and the election of the LTUHC Trust.
Members are encouraged to attend and exercise their right to nominate and vote on these important changes that set ourselves up for the year. The AGM elections will be followed by the appointment of positions for the remainder of the non-elected Committee posititions.
If you are interested in a position on either the Board or the Committee, please contact Club President Erica Brodie.
If you would like to vote but are unable to attend on the day, you are able to vote by proxy. Please contact Club Secretary, Ben Mawby for a proxy form to be submitted by no later than 4pm 16th January 2015, and for all other matters regarding the AGM and a copy of the agenda.