Today the La Trobe University Hockey Club held its AGM and the following members were elected to the Board:
President – Zac Martin
Vice President – Rob Bryson
Treasurer – James Blackburn
Secretary – Ben Mawby
Men’s Manager – Phil Nguyen
Women’s Manager – Rach Bannan
The board then subsequently appointed the following Committee members:
Communications Coordinator – Travis Dowling
Men’s Coordinator – Morgan Jenkins
Women’s Coordinator – Liz Baglin
Sponsorship Coordinator – Warrick Oliver
Social Coordinator – Robbie Diff
Canteen Coordinator – Glenn Wisbey
Volunteer Coordinator – Sam Davies
Equipment Coordinator – Jess Parker
Fundraising Coordinator – Talea Leenaerts
Grants Coordinator – Clare Agostinelli
Uniforms Coordinator & Scribe – Erica Brodie
Facilities Coordinator – James McDonald
Finance Coordinator – Belinda Blackburn
Umpiring Coordinator – Matt Bowes
This marks the biggest year in the Club’s history in terms of number of administrators, with the introduction this year of four new roles; Women’s Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Facilities Coordinator and Finance Coordinator.
The Club would also like to recognise Sarah Dowling, who after an incredible seven years on the Committee as Secretary has stepped down in 2013. Sarah was recognised with Life Membership in 2011 for her amazing contribution to the Club over the years and will be sorely missed.
The Club is looking forward to another very successful year, both on and off the field.