After a strong preseason recruitment campaign (consisting mostly of Facebook Ads to annoy the opposition teams) the La Trobe University Hockey Club is pleased to announce that not only will there be no increase in fees this year, but a partial reduction for some members.
The fees for the 2012 Winter season are:
Students: $250
Non-Students: $350
Under 17’s Playing Seniors: $100
Vets: $100 + $10/game
Junior’s HookIn2Hockey: $35
Junior’s Under 9s: $50
As with previous years, a $20 social voucher is redeemable for students and non-students if fees are paid in full before Round 5.
Members also have the opportunity to receive refunds through our new Referral Program. Half yearly memberships are available if required, please contact your Team Manager for more information.
As always, La Trobe University Hockey Club has the cheapest fees of any club in Melbourne.