The La Trobe University Hockey Club is pleased to announce a new initiative this season, with the introduction of a Member Protection Information Officer role.
To be implemented for the first time this year, the role has been developed to assist in supporting and addressing any complaints or concerns that arise from members that are unable to be processed through Team Managers, the Committee or the Board. This role will be able to inform, educate and advise members on their rights, responsibilities and options, as well as assist in mediating grievances. This allows issues to be professionally addressed while maintaining member confidentiality where required.
The club is pleased to announce Jaynaya Winmar will be filling the position in 2014.
As this is the first year the role has been implemented, Jay will also work alongside the Committee to access and amend existing processes around grievances, discipline and policies such as our Code of Conduct.
The club is excited by the new initiative, and is just one part of a number of changes the Committee continues to implement as the club grows.