Women’s Round 2019

In Round 3 La Trobe University Hockey Club will host Women’s Round, a week in the season where we recognise the contribution of women to our sport, the club and broader community. The purpose of the week is to continue to create an environment and culture which is accepting and encouraging of all to participate in hockey.

Throughout the week we hope to raise awareness of the efforts and contribution toward’s the club’s success across players, volunteers, parents, partners, Committee and spectators which contribute to the running and growth of the club.

In 2019 this will run in Round 3, from the 27th of April to the 1st of May.

All players are encouraged to wear pink socks, which can be purchased from the club for $10. All proceed go towards the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Over the Saturday and Sunday we’ll be asking all Gunners for a gold coin donation, and have tickets available for a raffle – again all proceeds go to charity.

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