2024 Fees

La Trobe University Hockey Club is proud to have the most affordable fees in Victoria. Fees must be paid prior to Round 1. You are not insured unless fees are paid.

Seniors $485 ($55 refundable for umpiring)
Seniors (over 18 student)1 $255 ($55 refundable for umpiring)
Seniors (under 18)2 $200
Masters/Open $400
Masters/Open (student)1 $150
Juniors (Under 10-12) $150
Juniors (Under 14-18) $200
Hookin2Hockey $75 per term (paid to HV)
Stick2Hockey $75 per term
Seniors + Masters/Open $705 ($55 refundable for umpiring)
Seniors + Juniors $200
Trial Membership (up to five games, any grade/age) $95


For some members we are able to offer the following discounts:

Goalies who provide their own gear $250 discount
3rd family member3 $50 discount
4th family member or more3 $100 discount


For goalies who fill in as emergencies (in addition to their usual team), the club pays $50.

1 La Trobe University students can be full time or part time, student number must be submitted with membership form. Non-La Trobe students must be full time only, proof of study may be requested.
2 Age as of January 1 in the playing year.
3 Must live in the same household and does not include Hookin2Hockey members.

Seniors are charged a $55 umpiring levy. If you umpire a weekend game of hockey throughout the season you are eligible to have this refunded. This does not apply to anyone under the age of 18 or the first year of anyone under the age of 21.

In addition to the above, a fee is paid directly to Hockey Victoria which is processed during their registration. This covers insurance and gives you free access to the State Netball & Hockey Centre.

AGE (as of January 1) HV FEE
Seniors (18+) $121
Seniors (18+) (five games or less) $50
Youth (17 or under) $93
Hookin2Hockey Included in registration

One of our values is Hockey For Everyone, and we understand not everyone is in a position to afford fees. The club is willing to assist. Please contact the Treasurer prior to Round 1 to discuss payments plans. In some cases we may be able to offer hardship discounts.

La Trobe University Hockey Club
BSB: 633 000
Account: 1 4934 2966

Please include your name and details in the description. For example, “Jacob Shirley Fees”. Please also email finance@latrobeunihockey.com with the following details:
– The name of all players covered in the payment
– Breakdown of fees paid (eg. 1 x Seniors and 1 x Umpiring Levy)
– Any discounts that have been applied (eg. 3rd family member)

If we can’t reconcile your payment you may not be eligible to play in Round 1.